Dream Machine AIGet 1 free credit after login except RU,VN due to high traffic 🎉 Fast Video Generation For Paid Users Available

Fast Luma AI Video Generator (5 credit)

❗️❗️❗️This is a fast Video Generation for paid users5 credit per generation
Hint: If your meet video generation error, you can try optimizing your promptVideo Prompt Generator

Generate Video

Input your prompt or image(optional) to get your own videos

Describe your imagnation here, language must be English!!one

You can upload your image here

Upload Your Image Here

Free Usage will be public, upgrade to make it privatePrice

Generate Luma AI Video

Estimated waiting time 1-2 min

No Videos Yet

Frequently asked questions

Why does it cost 5 credit per generation?

This feature is only for paid users and provide much faster generation

How long does it take?

It typically takes 1-2 minutes, much faster than original model

What should I do when the generation failed?

When the generation fails, try to refine your prompt. The ideal prompt should be 1-3 concise sentences, neither too long nor too short. A clear and well-crafted prompt can often lead to better results.

Can I generate Luma AI videos for free?

Yes, you receive 1 free credit to generate Luma AI videos.

How does your model differ from Luma AI video generation?

Our model is nearly the same but more affordable, costing $0.05 per generation. In contrast, Luma AI videos cost $0.20 per generation on a monthly plan and $0.15 on a yearly plan.